Pony Personality: Fluttershy

Classical Temperament- Phlegmatic

Associated with the element of water, Fluttershy is most herself when she is private, caring, quiet-seeking, and steady in her ways.  Her reaction time is slow.  She is content to leave things as they are and not at all the first to rush into things.  Her duration time is short.  She backs down at the first sign of conflict and cannot be expected to stick to something perilous without really pushing herself.

Jungian- FiSe (ISFP)

Fluttershy’s dominant function is Introverted Feeling.  She lives by her own personal moral worldview.  She does not allow the morals of others to be pushed upon her.  For example, in “Bats!”, though she does eventually compromise and use The Stare, she refuses to allow the bats to be run out of the orchard, even though her friends are all very unsympathetic toward the bats.  Her inferior function would be Extraverted Thinking.  She pretty much never uses that.  Fluttershy is not really the logical sort.

Fluttershy’s auxiliary function is Extraverted Sensing.  This manifests in a way similar to Rarity’s.  She has an eye for beauty, and she focuses on the beauty of nature.  This is, after all, what entranced her with the ground when she first fell to it.

Two last notes… One is that Cuddleheart, though she has her doubts from time to time, is also an ISFP.  The second, if you remember that I am fond of the Rarishy shipping and that Rarity is an ESFP, this would mean that Rarishy is ESFP X ISFP, which I think works really well as a couple.  Same first two functions, but in a different order.

Enneagram- 9w1

Fluttershy’s basic fear is loss.  (…I guess…  I REALLY don’t care for Enneagram, finding it one of the least logical personality systems…  But Fluttershy matches the whole of 9 better than any other number, so her basic fear must be loss… somehow…)  Basically, Fluttershy is all about peace and calm, so she’s a 9.

She has a 1 wing.  I’m saying this because she’s closer to a 1 than to an 8.

I do believe I’ve lost my patience with Enneagram.  I don’t think I’ll be talking about it in future personality posts.


Fluttershy is most widely known in the show as a scaredy-pony, and a lot of her struggles are concerning her fears and shyness. However, she has really come a long way and has progressed more than any of the other ponies. She is said to be the weakest, and she has claimed to be weak herself, yet she has shown to be much stronger than anypony else thinks.

Fluttershy’s body color reflects her: soft colors. Not flashy, not over-the-top. Just beautiful, delicate, and light. Her cutie mark is the same way.

As far as me and ISFP, I agree, but I just call it “ISFP with ISFJ” tendencies, because of my preference for planning ahead. That would make it more a J rather than a P, which is why I have had doubts, in spite of ISFP making a lot of sense for me. I have found I get pretty upset if something is planned at the last second or plans change not so far in advance. I do love making lists and planning, really. I even have lists made of things to do per week. But at the same time, it’s somewhat nice to not have to have plans. ISFPs can work under pressure, which I cannot. Fluttershy, however, has shown that she can. When she’s really pressured by others, or even when she sees urgency, she has shone. Fluttershy is a true ISFP. She’s very in tune with nature and thrives in it. She’s obviously super-introverted, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t like to be with her friends. She is not worried about the future, taking it one day at a time. She’s ok with not planning things ahead of schedule. She strongly stays true to her values, but she has to waver if something she is expected to do is potentially harmful to others, the prime example being “Bats!” She did not want to do her Stare on the vampire fruit bats, but when she had to face the choice of staying with her beliefs or risk the economy–and cider–she felt she didn’t have much choice, as long as the process wouldn’t harm the bats. While Fluttershy is logical behind her thoughts and actions, she is more feelings-based. She will prefer calm and quiet, but she can show another side to her, one that is more aggressive, and when something is seriously wrong, she will go virtually Saddle Rager (which is too bad, seeing that S.R. is essentially the Hulk, my least favorite hero, who I do not even consider a hero; S.R. had justification for anger and was protective over the little injured bug). But overall, she is not a Saddle Rager. She has been pushed around and stepped on because of her soft-spokenness. However, when she had tried to learn the art of assertiveness, she overdid it and when she realized how mean-spirited she had become, she felt like a monster and refused to come out of her cottage. She has shown some sass, and not just when Discord turned her into Fluttersass. When Pinkie asked her to have her birds stop popping balloons, Fluttershy didn’t reply with an apology, which she would have done in season 1.

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