Alicorn Genesis

"This is what you get for making us freaks, you jerk!"

“This is what you get for making us freaks, you jerk!”

Hi!  This is Ledger.  Today, we’re going to be talking about where alicorns come from.  …No, not like that.  Get your head out of… wherever it is.  What I mean is that we’ve seen where Twilight Sparkle became an alicorn in the season 3 finale, and we’ve read where Cadence became an alicorn in G.M. Berrow’s book.  But we don’t know about when Celestia and Luna became alicorns.  We don’t even know if they became alicorns at all, but were rather born as alicorns.  This is the post where we share our headcanons on that matter.  (Actually, there was a Journal of the Two Sisters book a while back, so this headcanon is probably already crushed, but I haven’t read that yet, so…)

Primary events in Equestrian history include the founding of Equestria (as seen in Hearth’s Warming Eve), the overthrow of Discord, the overthrow of Sombra, and Luna’s corruption.  The alicorn sisters’ presence or lack thereof suggest that the founding of Equestria came first in this list (since they don’t seem to be there and likely don’t exist yet) and that Luna’s corruption came last (since Luna was involved in the two overthrows).  I personally am assuming that Discord’s overthrow came first, since Sombra’s overthrow was a foreign affair.  If Sombra’s overthrow came first, it would seem that Celestia and Luna would be ruling the Crystal Empire now rather than Equestria.  So this is the order I see the earlier years in.  The Founding of Equestria comes first, and then Discord takes over Equestria, and then Celestia and Luna are born, and then Celestia and Luna overthrow Discord.  Now, when Discord took over Ponyville in The Return of Harmony, he seemed to just disrupt the sense of balance and watch the chaos take place, rather than control the individual chaotic occurrences.  My headcanon is that, since Celestia and Luna were born into this chaotic state, the state itself caused the mutation for them to be born as alicorns.  Yep, my headcanon is basically that Discord turned them into alicorns.  That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.  I like this headcanon.  It makes Discord’s overthrow ironic, which is perfect for him.  Oh, and Discord’s overthrow would have obviously been the start of Celestia’s and Luna’s rule over Equestria.

Now, earlier, I mentioned that Journal of the Two Sisters book that I haven’t read.  I looked a little bit into it, and it totally destroys my headcanon, because it takes place shortly after the events of Hearth’s Warming Eve and Celestia and Luna are already royals.  On that note, here’s Cuddleheart to share why she rejects G.M. Berrow’s account of Cadence’s alicornization and her own story of how Cadence was born as an alicorn.

…I don’t have any headcanons or stories on Cadence (salutations, by the way), but I did at first question her going from pegasus to alicorn. It just doesn’t sound right to me, and I never counted the comics as canon, but then again, I never did read the official comics; I’ve always only counted the show as canon. And Cadence did kind of come out of nowhere. She…”popped outta the snow…like daisies!” She was fairly young when we are introduced to her from Twilight’s past, just a mere teenager. Maybe it is true about her going from pegasus to alicorn like how Twilight went from unicorn to alicorn, and at a younger age for Cadence. Makes me think it’s true about Celestia making everypony a princess. But hey, I’m not a magical pony, just a simple earth pony, so what do I know? As far as Luna and Celestia are concerned, I had always assumed that both were born as alicorns, but then again, we have yet to see that far into their past in the show. They have been around for so many ages, and any theory can be created. I’d love to see the idea brought into the show.

I’m not saying anything against the comics, believe me. Comics can be quite enjoyable to read. I just never counted them as true canon because of the fact of it not being presented in the show itself. But maybe there’s no need to or something, I don’t know. I won’t get into it about Cadence or Twilight as alicorn princesses, and I don’t have more to say.

…I’m getting off topic. All in all, I don’t mind the idea of transformed-to-princess Cadence, just unsure to believe comics…and having random ponies be princessified unless they’re purple unicorns involved in a company needing to sell toys. And I have no theory regarding the royal sisters aside from being born. I wonder where their parents are… I’ve often hoped the show would at least mention something on their distant past. Heck, maybe Starswirl had something to do with them as princesses.

(Later:) Even though Ledger attempted to send me the Journal, I couldn’t read it, but after he sent it again, it worked. I have to admit, if it was by Amy Keating Rogers, I find it more believable, as she is involved in the show itself. It’s just weird to hear Celestia, the confident Celestia, talk like that. It just doesn’t sound like her. Then again, this was centuries ago, and they were both younger and more inexperienced. And…Starswirl really is related to them becoming princesses? That was totally a random guess before I even finally read the Journal.

But it doesn’t matter what I say. If it’s considered canon, cool. If it’s not, that’s ok for a pony too. It’s all in imagination (resist the urge to quote SpongeBob, resist the urge to quote SpongeBob…) and good fun. After all, this is magic with magical beings.

So yeah, we aren’t regarding the chapter and comic books as canon.  Official, yes, canon, no.  We might still talk about them from time to time, but between the different authors and lower production values (not to insult the quality of the books), they don’t seem to hold the same canonicity of the show.  Plus, they’re a little harder to obtain, so it’s not like everyone’s familiar with them.