Type A, B, or C


So, even though these Types could be placed as a Wednesday topic, it is going to be a Friday topic, partially because another topic I had planned to post won’t be until next week, when the next new episode airs. I happened to realize the topic of the 4 Types when going into Rainbow Dash’s personality, and then I got to thinking about the other ponies’ types. The meaning of these 4 types is in the ways we handle stress. We have Types A, B, and lesser-known C and D.

We’ll start with the pony that made the idea of this topic: Rainbow Dash. Obviously she will be categorized as a Type A. She is always pressed for time, achievement-oriented, can handle multitasking, aggressive, and highly competitive. She’d much rather have freedom than a daily routine. As a Type A, she is very goal-driven, independent, and motivated. Yep, Rainbow is pretty stereotypically A.

Fluttershy can be classified as a Type D. Type D’s take the slow approach to life. She would be just fine performing repetitive tasks. Type D’s are pony pleasers, and are in need of reassurance. Fluttershy does often need reassurance. She is also compassionate, patient, and supportive. She is the one that has been more taken advantage of, but whatever is non-confrontative. This type is also that of a worrier that is not so willing to take risks. Sadly, yes, sweet Flutters is distressed.

Twilight is likely a Type C. This type is detail-oriented, logical, and enjoys stability. She determines to get the job done, and she tries to follow the rules to a T. She is cautious, and wants to know exactly what she is supposed to do/the expectancies of her. She thinks before making a decision. Type C can be a little less social than, say, Type B. Yet another one who fits in without a second thought.  Twilight is Type C.

AJ can be thought of as a Type B. She is not a fully accurate Type B, but she matches this type more so than the others. She is fairly outgoing and generally friendly. She doesn’t particularly hide her true feelings. She’s a bit easygoing, and she doesn’t like to let other ponies down. She is also enthusiastic and relatively impatient. However, she is not so short of attention span that she cannot get her work done, though the type is more likely to possess short attention span. While Type A’s are competitive and time-driven, as AJ can be, she is happy with a routine, unlike that of a Type A. Applejack is less clear.  I would actually type her as a type A.  This typing is more about how you act under stress, and, when under stress, Applejack’s calm gloves come off, and she’s all work, work, work.  She was definitely not Type B when responding to the threat of, say, having to buck down the whole orchard with Big Mac being out-of-commission or of when the Flim Flam Brothers threatened to shut down her farm. Yeah, that’s true…

Rarity could be a Type C. Like Twilight, Rarity likes stability. And while she is more emotional, she is capable of logicality and must make decisions, especially when it concerns her designs. While she is far more laid-back in this type as opposed to Twilight, Rarity sets out to complete her work, especially when she is expected certain things. I actually think Type A is a better fit for Rarity.  Rarity is very much aggressive and competitive.  She keeps busy with her fashion projects.  She is more insistent on her own way than the non-assertive, go-with-the-flow Twilight.  When I think about it, you’re right, Ledger. I had typed her as C due to her type being less obvious than the others. But yes, A does fit.

Lastly, Pinkie is likely a Type B. A typical type B is a more easy-going type, yet the outgoing one that loves attention and is energetic. They make friends easy and they are likeable. They’re enthusiastic, are considered dreamers, spontaneous, and they don’t hide their feelings all that well. Type B does have a shorter attention span. But the type is quite patient and are more laid-back. Pinkie as Type B sounds good to me.

So there you have it. These are the types and how each deal with stress. We have quite a few type A’s in the bunch: 3 of the ponies. Then we have one Type B, one Type C, and one Type D.

The most psychologically healthy type was only found once through the Mane Six, and it was found in the least psychologically normal (…okay, second-least…) of them.  That’s kinda sad.  But… they do need conflicts, so…  Well, at least if you agree with me.  If you agree with Cuddleheart, then Applejack is also in the most psychologically healthy type.