MLP: FiM Episode Review- A Dog and Pony Show

“We wants the precious.”


Rarity tries to dazzle her client Sapphire Shores, who wants lots and lots of gems for her clothes. Rarity then sets off with Spike to locate gems. They find a wagon-full of gems, but awaiting in the bushes are the vicious Diamond Dogs. They see Rarity’s ability to locate gems, and they kidnap…fillynap…marenap……they take her away to their cave. Spike is unable to save her, and he calls on the other ponies for help. At first, they only see large holes, but the Diamond Dogs fill up the holes. The ponies are concerned for their unicorn friend. Spike tells Twilight about how Rarity finds gems, and the purple unicorn uses her magic to find a trail of diamonds to lead to Rarity. Meanwhile, Rarity is not the worker the dogs want her to be. They do the digging, but then Rarity whines. When she is called a mule, she begins to cry. The ponies and Spike hear this, and they hope to save Rarity. However, the dogs try to use the ponies for labor, but they fail. However, when they get to Rarity, she’s not as in distress as they had previously thought, and after her constant whining, the dogs beg the ponies to take her, and they offer up the gems with her. In the end, Rarity explains it was part of her plan the entire time. The moral of this episode is that just because one is a proper lady doesn’t mean she is a damsel in distress.

Spike gets hungry, but restrains himself; they gather gems, one of which Spike was promised to eat but he doesn’t because Rarity gave it to him. How cute is that!

Mare power is pretty prevalent in this episode. Everypony assumes she can’t handle herself because of how she’s presented herself in situations before. She would be afraid to get dirty and labor is a foreign word to her except when working on beautiful gowns. So perhaps it is a little bit of a surprise for her to have control over these…whatever they are. I’m the type of pony that thinks all animals are cute, even possums, but these guys are downright ugly. So are their personalities, which make them really ugly. I guess friendliness and better personalities would make them seem cuter. They remind me so much of Gollum from Lord of the Rings. Not sure if Bilbo in the Hobbit could have pulled off whining to get his way out, though. Nor could Rarity have had them guess what’s in her pocket. Those Diamond Dogs were rather creepy. It was hilarious how Rarity used annoyance to get them to give her up. Oh, Spike, you and your gallant knight-ness. And his trusty steed Twilight to ride in and save the princess from the awful….yeah. So demeaning for Twilight but uplifting for Spike. Maybe uplifting’s not the right word, but he sure wanted that moment. The funny thing is, we have this belief that we need a knight or a prince to save the day, and that the pretty mare is always in distress. While Rarity is that type to enjoy that sort of thing and is most likely to be that damsel in distress type, she has shown another side to her, a cunning side, to get herself out, especially when she knows that the others aren’t around to just save her. She has shown she’s very capable herself of getting out of dirty situations. Well, more power to you, Rarity. Well done.  I give this episode an 8 out of 10. While it’s not among my favorite episodes of the season, I like what Rarity did with her whining, which was pretty awesome. I still say she’d make a good actress.

Oh, this is an enjoyable episode! This isn’t the only piece of media that I like which references David Bowie’s album , but it is one of them. I absolutely love Rarity’s complaining in this episode, and it is so nice to watch Rarity getting the best of her captors. There’s really nothing I have against this episode, except maybe, MAYBE Spike’s fantasy being a little annoying. But it ends with him unintentionally anout to kiss Applejack, which is funny. If I try to be critical, then I think the episode (or at least future ones) could have given more fleshing-out to the Diamond Dogs. Why do they want gems in the first place? What is this semblance of structure they have with all those grunt dogs? How do they distribute their profit (again, with those grunt dogs)? I’ve said so little about the quest to save Rarity, but that’s good too. I like how the episode plays with the rescue party’s expectations, with the ponies expecting Rarity to be in dire stress. Anyway, Ledger gives this episode an 8.5 out of 10. This will always be an episode that will get me to laugh.

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